Evolving media regulations: National and EU-wide regulatory frameworks for social media platforms in relation to their role as media distributors

Evolving media regulations: National and EU-wide regulatory frameworks for social media platforms in relation to their role as media distributors Suchibrata Roy In the current period of rapid changes in digital technologies, the regulatory landscape for social media has become a critical concern for legislatures across Europe. The recent ReMeD project report has made a…

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Reuters Digital Report 2024: Platforms reset amidst tense global context

The Reuters Institute, in cooperation with Oxford University, recently published the Digital News Report 2024, revealing the worldwide latest trends in online news consumption. The report is set in a particular context of global elections and ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, feeding online news with misinformation and disinformation. This year, the report…

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Media Pluralism Monitor 2024: States must take urgent action to guarantee media pluralism

Another alarming report on the deterioration of media pluralism in Europe. The latest edition of the “Media Pluralism Monitor” (MPM2024) is out. Of the 32 European countries analysed, barely seven (Germany, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Finland and Lithuania) have a satisfactory situation. Everywhere else, European citizens are not fully guaranteed access to diversified and independent sources…

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Growing information disconnection

Growing information disconnection: 37% avoid news, eight points more than in 2023 Spain is one of the countries with the highest levels of information fatigue or overexposure to news (44%), one of the main causes of disconnection with current affairs. AURKEN SIERRA New generation gap: young people avoid news more (44%) than those over 35…

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International Day of Democracy

International Day of Democracy Mercedes Medina Image by : Carolina Jaramillo / Shutterstock The International Day of Democracy, commemorated on September 15th, is not only necessary to raise awareness about the citizens’ need to enjoy democracy. It is also a time to reflect on some of the problems that hinder its positive development. The success…

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The battle against disinformation and Russian propaganda in Central and Eastern Europe

Disinformation has been an issue worldwide, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Still, the Central and Eastern European experience is unique. The mixture of post-totalitarian legacy, Russian influence in the region, the rise of populism, and the emergence of authoritarian leaders, all happening simultaneously with robust global movements to defend democracy, has led to various types…

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Reuters Digital Report 2023: “News fatigue” phenomenon persists

The Reuters Institute, in collaboration with Oxford University, published on 14 June its global Digital News Report 2023, which focuses on how younger audiences consume news, and the trends of online engagement. It provides insights into the increasing prevalence of vertical videos and news podcasts. The influence of inflation, combined with an increasing phenomenon of “news avoidance”,…

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